Virtual Art Studio: Out my Window (Free Online Class via Zoom) 

April 20, 2020 @ 1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Free Online Zoom Call

Virtual Art Studio

Out my Window

Free Online Class via Zoom)
Mon. April 27 – 1:30 – 2:45pm
(room will open at 1:15)
In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through us. In spite of real sorrows
Ralph Waldo Emerson
So here we are – told to stay inside- to be safe we are asked not to go out – but what is calling you from your window?
Art can be such a wonderful vehicle for dealing with the new anxieties and concerns of the present day. Step into Lisa Brown’s Virtual Studio! We hope this virtual class will support your journey.
You will need: At least 2 pieces of paper or a journal to write in. One larger piece of paper for the window view that can be folded easily. Please have markers, crayons, magazines, or paint to create. Fold your paper so that it opens at the middle.
Lisa Brown is an Interweave Faculty Member. Lisa has dedicated her life in the belief that art is therapeutic and can help express emotions, relieve stress and suffering, and adversity. She has a BA in Art, a MA in Creative Arts Ed. and is a certified supervisor for Creative Journal Expressive Arts.